Species Resources
Resources that aim to guide you in your creation of your own fluffy ashigo friend :).
Make sure you have read species rules before jumping into creating!

Ashigo Bases
official BasesMovie-made Bases
Coummnity-made Bases
The ashigo species have strong hind legs and spine that allow them to adjust their stance whenever they please. Allowing them to be both feral and anthro.
Notable features of ashigos are their 'v' shaped noses, very dark sclera, toothless mouths and extra paw pads. They are also known to have extra long tufted ears and tri-horns on their back and head however these traits aren't needed to be present. Ashigos are known to wear masks as it is a cultural tradition that has been kept for generations. This is mostly for the most common ashigo species, the grassland, for the other subspecies of ashigos these traits will be different. You can visit their pages to learn more about them.
When entering events artwork/writing has to be anatomically correct. If you are unsure if you don't fit the criteria feel free to ask in our discord server.

Desert ashigos have noses similar to hognose snakes and more of a lanky wolf like body shape. Their faces are sharper than grassland ashigos and their fur is more scruffy/dusty and not as fluffy.
Aqua ashigos body shapes are most similar to that of fishing cats. Their fur is more sleek and thick compared to thier subspecies counterparts. They have webbed feet similar to otters and have small soft faces.
Wetland ashigos body shapes are alike to that of Jaguars, their facial shape is similar to grassland. Their claw is most similar to that of sloths.

A realism take on the ashigo ^^

This section covers the different varietys of eye types your ashigo can have. Read species rules about the shades of eye colour you can have.
The basic dark scerla that is present in every ashigo.
Ashigos that lack pigment that affects their eyes, fur and horns. Typically being pale pinks.
Patches of albino spots on the ashigos body, if a batch covers an ashigos eye it will be pink.
Whenever it is through old age, injury or naturally when an ashigo goes blind it makes them grey and hazy looking.
An ashigos appearance will change depending on their age!

Ashigolings: The term used for young ashigos, they are typically very fluffy and have soft fur. Their facial features are soft and their limbs are short and stumpy. Their ears tend to be floppy but will straighten out when they get older, they tend to also have fluff in their ears as well. They have small horns as well, typically in shapes of circles but will typically change in shape and size when they mature. They have undeveloped mouths and hooves, their mouths are unable to pierce most hard shells and surfaces as they get older their mouth will be more developed and eventually be able to do those things. Ashigos are born with hooves that are not spilt, it is something that happens later in life, the splitting of the hooves and the development of the mouth can be painful for an ashigo to go through.
Teens: An ashigo who is going through it, their baby fluff is falling out and they shed a lot because of that, their facial features are becoming more defined and their horns have grown completely, however, if the ashigo is growing back spikes it can be very painful for them to grow through. Their mouths are jagged and sharp, they tend to soften as they mature, and their hooves tend to be spilt at this time as well. Teen ashigos tend to also have mood spikes ( much like their spiky fur ). This is the age when ashigos get their clayoid masks and become full members of their groups. Adult: An adult ashigo is fully mature, and reflect this through their clean pelts, grown horns and spikes, spilt hooves and size. Are typically fully involved members of society and contributing to helping the younger generations of ashigos to learn the ways of life. Elder: An unkempt matted pelt, a scruffy chin, wrinkles on the face and sun faded fur are all the sighs of an older ashigo. Most elder ashigos retire and relax when they get to this age, entraining the ashigolings when they come to visit with the legends of Azailian heroes and stories from their past There can be some differences between the subspecies when they age! They follow the same basic outlines though.